Cheap psychic readings done by me will use one or more of these methods

Angel readings

Angel cards



Crystal Ball

I Ching



Oracle cards



Rune Stones


Tarot cards

My cheap psychic readings are a one off

Done especially for you

Personally by me, always me

Not mass produced by a computer or rushed!

My sittings will use a variety of the above methods according to your question and how I tune into you.. beware of people who only do tarot cards, you can often get a fuller and more rounded sitting if you use more than one method or a different method.

You will receive your email from me within five working days….

Sorry but I never work weekends, evenings or bank holidays.

And I never do readings by phone or see clients face to face. The connection when doing psychic email readings is just as strong. They save you the expense and time of travelling.



Cheap psychic readings online have been helping people for a long time.  My cheap psychic sittings can help you a lot too.

My name is Honest Holly. I am an experienced and mature lady. A full time professional for nearly fifty years.

I’ve been doing sittings and face to face consultations  for many years. – Before that, before this I saw clients face to face.

Everyone would come to see me. They had no choice. In those days it was that or nothing. There were no computers or websites. People would read about a tarot card reader or clairvoyant reader in a local newspaper or hear about them from a friend who recommended them.

This was before the day of mobile phones and computers. How that has changed. Now it is easier and quicker to send emails.

Because I can send clients cheap psychic readings online I have clients Worldwide all over the World. Many of them are in USA, Australia, UK, Canada and India. Distance does not matter.

The connection between a good psychic and their clairvoyant, tarot or medium client is always strong. And now you do not need to worry about spending time and money on travelling to me. You can consult me from the comfort of your home.

Each of the cheap psychic readings online I do is individual. Unlike many others who pass them on to junior psychic staff I insist on doing them all myself. I believe it is wrong and dishonest to advertise your services and then pay others to do it for you.

I use a lot of different methods when doing cheap psychic readings which include the pendulum, clairvoyance, mediumship, tarot cards, angel cards, oracle cards, numerology and crystal ball gazing. I am always striving to improve and learn more. I study and practice daily.

It drives my husband nuts! He thinks I spend far too much time helping “strangers” and should spend more time with him.

Each of the different psychic consultations I offer is helpful in it’s own way, depending on what you are seeking at this moment of time.

Cheap psychic readings online are meant to guide you through life. By giving you information that help you decide the best way forward. By using the information the psychic gives you your life is improved.  Think of it like a sat nav that points out the short cuts and warns you of traffic jams so that you can make a more informed decision.

Psychic email readings online are also extremely helpful when you want to find out more about someone. Perhaps an ex, a partner or someone you fancy. How they feel, if they love you, if they are honest and their true intentions. Find out if someone is right for you. Are they your twin flame, your soul mate?  You may decide it is better to be single until someone more suited to you comes along.  Or swap the person you are with for another person you are keen on.

Cheap psychic readings online can save you wasting a great deal of time on a relationship with the wrong person.

Reasons you should choose me. I think the most important reason is this. You receive your  psychic email readings consultation quickly. But two very important reasons are this. Your tarot or clairvoyant consultation is done by someone with a lot of experience at an affordable price. I am a full time professional so I get to help more clients than most.

Most who advertise their psychic services are doing it as a paid hobby or amateurs doing it out of boredom or because they want to feel good about themselves, special and talented.  Unfortunately this does not guarantee that they are any good. Because I do psychic work full time and have been doing it for decades I have gained more experience and expertise than most I come across. I only ever came across one who had more experience and she charged a great deal more than me.

This is important with cheap psychic readings online because the more someone does something the better they get at it. It also shows you I am very serious about this and not just doing it out of boredom or for money.

Why choose emails instead of going to see someone? Over and over again I hear of people arranging to see someone face to face and waiting ages. After a long wait they hear nothing at all or hear it has been cancelled. Why? Because the psychic decided got a chance to spend a day going shopping with their friend and preferred that to  hanging around in the hope you turn up. Some people only do cheap psychic readings when short of money or bored.

Emails are different. And I have a lot of experience of this. I’ve been sending emails to clients for many years with clients Worldwide. The psychic does not have to be concerned that it might be dangerous to let this new stranger into their place.  Or worry that the stranger will mess up their whole day by turning up two hours late. It is so much easier and quicker to do a psychic email. They can put it to one side and do it at any time that suits them. They do not need to worry that if they give up that chance to have a great day with their friend you do not turn up or it was not worth the sacrifice.

I do not encourage people to have one sitting after another. You should think for yourself too. Not just hang on my every word. Nor should you get used to thinking you must spend money at every turn. You have a happier life and save a lot of money if you only get cheap psychic readings when you are worried about something. I do not do general clairvoyant or tarot readings.

Some get obsessed with clairvoyants, psychics, mediums and tarot card readers and go to them too much. Unhealthy for your finances but what is more important is this. Believing that you need a psychic every time you make a decision, find something out or worry about something is not mentally and emotionally healthy.

Psychic email readings from me will provide clarity and insight into your life path.

It can help you to understand your past, present, and/or future or give you valuable guidance and insight on your present, past and future relationships.

Cheap psychic readings can be an essential tool for self-discovery. Cheap psychic readings online can help you to make those necessary changes to your life that lead to happiness.  But you and only you decide whether or nor to take notice of my guidance. Free will is involved.

I will point you in the right direction but you and only you decide if will follow the wisest path or go down a negative path.

Cheap psychic readings online will involve at least one or more of these clairvoyant abilities…. clairvoyance – psychic sight, clairsentience – psychic feeling, clairaudience – psychic feeling, clairognizance – psychic knowing, clairgustance – psychic tasting  and clairairalience – psychic smelling. Whichever methods you have with your reading will be used with great care and precision and will be carefully selected to answer the question you asked positively and with honesty.

If you want to combine experience, skill, empathy, the personal touch, accessibility, a speedy service and affordability choose me.

cheap psychic readings online




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